Salvatore Taddeo Jr. – Three Tips for Better Construction Management

Salvatore Taddeo Jr. has helped many businesses improve their market share, their value, and their products and services for customers since he moved to Rumson, New Jersey after growing up in Brooklyn. Mr. Taddeo is the owner and operator of Salangi Enterprises, a business consultancy firm that works with many construction companies as clients. Here are Mr. Salvatore Taddeo’s three most common tips he gives to these construction companies for better construction management:


  • Establish and use Key Performance Indicators. Many companies in other sectors use KPIs to manage throughput and ensure that all project goals are being met by all employees. Whether a business is in software or construction, KPIs hold workers responsible for their production and create a culture of accountability. This way, according to Salvatore Taddeo Jr., everyone is working hard towards the same things.
  • Make sure your processes can deliver relevant data. Create work processes and management systems that are continually updated with changes in orders and work throughput so that you can get accurate data to manage construction projects.
  • Access and use real-time information. Salvatore Taddeo Jr. encourages all of his clients to utilize cloud-based storage of data so they can access it quickly and easily. Getting these systems set up takes time and the skill of a professional IT manager, but once they’re up, they can provide endless benefits to any construction project.

Salvatore Taddeo Jr. has helped many construction companies develop property in and around Rumson, New Jersey. He has also helped other businesses create opportunities for themselves and their community. Visit, or send an email to, to learn more.​

About Salvatore Taddeo Jr.

Salvatore Taddeo Jr. is an experienced & successful business man from New Jersey.
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